Journal Publications
Li, Xingyi, Yiting Deng, Puneet Manchanda, and Bert De Reyck (2024), "Can Lower(ed) Expert Opinions Lead to Better Consumer Ratings?: The Case of Michelin Stars,” accepted, Management Science.
Deng, Yiting, and Richard Staelin (2024), "Modeling Misinformation Spread for Policy Evaluation: A Parsimonious Framework,” accepted, Marketing Letters.
- Tang, Christopher, Yiting Deng, Wei Wang, and Onesun Steve Yoo (2024), "Can an E-commerce Platform and its Third-Party Sellers Benefit from Each Other’s Market Entry?," 33(1): 69-86, Production and Operations Management.
Bhaskarabhatla, Ajay, Yiting Deng, and Yongdong Liu (2024), "Invention Pledges: A Case Study of Open Disclosure at IBM,” 49: 1532-1566, Journal of Technology Transfer.
- Deng, Yiting, Christopher Tang, Wei Wang, and Onesun Steve Yoo (2023), "Can Third-Party Sellers Benefit from a Platform's Entry to the Market?," Service Science, 15(4): 233-249.
- Deng, Yiting, Anja Lambrecht, and Yongdong Liu (2023), "Spillover Effects and Freemium Strategy in the Mobile App Market,” Management Science, 69(9): 5018-5041.
- Miao, Wei, Yiting Deng, Wei Wang, Yongdong Liu, and Christopher Tang (2023), "The Effects of Surge Pricing on Driver Behavior in the Ride-Sharing Market: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment," Journal of Operations Management, 69(5): 794-822.
- Deng, Yiting, Min Jiang, and Xiaodong Jiang (2022), "How Do Taxes on Car Sales Affect Television Advertising Strategies?," Journal of Advertising Research, 63(1):1-6.
Alantari, Huwail, Imran Currim, Yiting Deng, and Sameer Singh (2022), "An Empirical Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Text-based Sentiment Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews,“ International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(1): 1-19.
Finalist, IJRM Best Paper Award, 2023
Wang, Wei, Wei Miao, Yongdong Liu, Yiting Deng, and Yunfei Cao (2022), “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Ride-Sharing Industry and Its Recovery: Causal Evidence from China,“ Transportation Research, Part A, 155: 128-141.
Deng, Yiting, Richard Staelin, Wei Wang, and William Boulding (2018), “Consumer Sophistication, Word-of-mouth and `False' Promotions,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 152: 98-123.
Deng, Yiting, and Carl F. Mela (2018) “TV Viewing and Advertising Targeting,” Journal of Marketing Research, 55(1): 99-118.
Finalist, Robert D. Buzzell MSI Best Paper Award, 2019
Runner-Up, Don Lehmann Award, 2020
Finalist, Weitz-Winer-O’Dell award, 2023
Mela, Carl F., Jason M.T. Roos, and Yiting Deng (2013), “A Key Word History of Marketing Science,” Marketing Science, 32(1): 8-18.
Deng, Yiting, D. Sunshine Hillygus, Jerome P. Reiter, Yajuan Si, and Siyu Zheng (2013),“Handling Attrition in Longitudinal Studies: The Case for Refreshment Samples,” Statistical Science, 28(2): 238-256.
Book Chapters
Deng, Yiting, Anja Lambrecht and Catherine Tucker, “Field Experiments in Marketing,”a chapter in History of Marketing Science (2nd Edition) edited by Russell Winer and Scott A. Neslin, World Scientific, 2023.
Deng, Yiting, Richard Staelin and Joe Urbany,“The Persistence of False Promotions: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” a chapter in Legal Applications of Marketing Theory edited by Joel Steckel and Jake Gersen, Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Selected Working Papers
"A Scalable Recommendation Engine for New Users and Items," with Boya Xu and Carl F. Mela (2023).
“Does Consumer Privacy Protection Really Hurt Companies? Evidence from Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Policy,” with Wei Miao, Chen Lin, and Jeongwen Chiang (2024).
“Emission Standards: Catalysts or Barriers to Green Innovations?,” with Li Shu, Christopher Tang, and Wei Wang (2024).
“Peer Effect on Performance and Effort Allocation: Evidence from Marathon Runners," with Jie Zheng (2021).
“Asymmetric Consequences of Cyber-Vulnerability on Health Services,” with Anja Lambrecht and Catherine Tucker (2020).
“Price Promotions and Online Product Evaluations,” with Anja Lambrecht and Yongdong Liu (2019).