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Journal Publications


  • Li, Xingyi, Yiting Deng, Puneet Manchanda, and Bert De Reyck (2024), "Can Lower(ed) Expert Opinions Lead to Better Consumer Ratings?: The Case of Michelin Stars,” accepted, Management Science.


  • Deng, Yiting, and Richard Staelin (2024), "Modeling Misinformation Spread for Policy Evaluation: A Parsimonious Framework,” accepted, Marketing Letters.


  • Tang, Christopher, Yiting Deng, Wei Wang, and Onesun Steve Yoo (2024), "Can an E-commerce Platform and its Third-Party Sellers Benefit from Each Other’s Market Entry?," 33(1): 69-86, Production and Operations Management.

  • Bhaskarabhatla, Ajay, Yiting Deng, and Yongdong Liu (2024), "Invention Pledges: A Case Study of Open Disclosure at IBM,” 49: 1532-1566, Journal of Technology Transfer.

  • Deng, Yiting, Christopher Tang, Wei Wang, and Onesun Steve Yoo (2023), "Can Third-Party Sellers Benefit from a Platform's Entry to the Market?," Service Science, 15(4): 233-249.​​

  • Deng, Yiting, Anja Lambrecht, and Yongdong Liu (2023), "Spillover Effects and Freemium Strategy in the Mobile App Market,” Management Science, 69(9): 5018-5041. 


  • Miao, Wei, Yiting Deng, Wei Wang, Yongdong Liu, and Christopher Tang (2023), "The Effects of Surge Pricing on Driver Behavior in the Ride-Sharing Market: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment," Journal of Operations Management, 69(5): 794-822.


  • ​Deng, Yiting, Min Jiang, and Xiaodong Jiang (2022), "How Do Taxes on Car Sales Affect Television Advertising Strategies?," Journal of Advertising Research, 63(1):1-6.


  • ​Alantari, Huwail, Imran Currim, Yiting Deng, and Sameer Singh (2022), "An Empirical Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Text-based Sentiment Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews,“ International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(1): 1-19.

    • ​Finalist,  IJRM Best Paper Award, 2023


  • ​Wang, Wei, Wei Miao, Yongdong Liu, Yiting Deng, and Yunfei Cao (2022), “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Ride-Sharing Industry and Its Recovery: Causal Evidence from China,“ Transportation Research, Part A, 155: 128-141.


  • ​Deng, Yiting, Richard Staelin, Wei Wang, and William Boulding (2018), “Consumer Sophistication, Word-of-mouth and `False' Promotions,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 152: 98-123. ​


  • ​Deng, Yiting, and Carl F. Mela (2018) “TV Viewing and Advertising Targeting,” Journal of Marketing Research, 55(1): 99-118. 

    • Finalist, Robert D. Buzzell MSI Best Paper Award, 2019

    • Runner-Up, Don Lehmann Award, 2020

    • Finalist, Weitz-Winer-O’Dell award, 2023

  • ​Mela, Carl F., Jason M.T. Roos, and Yiting Deng (2013), “A Key Word History of Marketing Science,” Marketing Science, 32(1): 8-18.


  • ​Deng, Yiting, D. Sunshine Hillygus, Jerome P. Reiter, Yajuan Si, and Siyu Zheng (2013),“Handling Attrition in Longitudinal Studies: The Case for Refreshment Samples,” Statistical Science, 28(2): 238-256. 

Book Chapters

  • Deng, Yiting, Anja Lambrecht and Catherine Tucker, “Field Experiments in Marketing,”a chapter in History of Marketing Science (2nd Edition) edited by Russell Winer and Scott A. Neslin, World Scientific, 2023.


  • Deng, Yiting, Richard Staelin and Joe Urbany,“The Persistence of False Promotions: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” a chapter in Legal Applications of Marketing Theory edited by Joel Steckel and Jake Gersen, Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Selected Working Papers

  • "A Scalable Recommendation Engine for New Users and Items," with Boya Xu and Carl F. Mela (2023).


  • “Does Consumer Privacy Protection Really Hurt Companies? Evidence from Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Policy,” with Wei Miao, Chen Lin, and Jeongwen Chiang (2024). 

  • “Emission Standards: Catalysts or Barriers to Green Innovations?,” with Li Shu, Christopher Tang, and Wei Wang (2024).


  • “Peer Effect on Performance and Effort Allocation: Evidence from Marathon Runners," with Jie Zheng (2021).


  • “Asymmetric Consequences of Cyber-Vulnerability on Health Services,” with Anja Lambrecht and Catherine Tucker (2020).


  • “Price Promotions and Online Product Evaluations,” with Anja Lambrecht and Yongdong Liu (2019).

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